Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Regarding Existence and Humanity

A few classes ago there was a discussion about the possiblity that everything exists solely based on human perception. The example was given that if a tree falls in a forest with nobody around, will it make a sound? Another example was if you put a pair of shoes in the closet and close the doors, do they still exist? I have to admit that I am extremely skeptical of this line of thought. In fact, in my own opinion I find it downright ridiculous. To think that there is nothing in existence without the presence of the human mind is quite self-centered of the human race. Honestly, humans are so insignificant the the whole scheme of things that to even consider this possiblity is simply heinous. This may sound a bit harsh, but I believe that those who buy into this theory are so far removed from reality that this is all they have to believe in.
Speaking of skepticism, this line of thought really aligns with my own; although I might just be called a cynic. I do not believe that there are any real truths in philosophy, the sciences (although more and more is being discovered every day), politics, art, etc. The only thing that appears to be constant in the universe is mathematics. There can be no denying that 2+2+4, unless 2 is used as a symbol for another number. So I suppose I am skeptical of that as well. Whether or not my skepticism is logical is another matter entirely.
Skepticism leads into an even more intense philosophy called Nihilism. Nihilists believe that life holds no meaning, that there is no creator, and that a "true morality" does not exist. What a bleak outlook! Although I do not believe that there is a god, it is scary to believe that humans have no purpose on this planet; that myself and everbody I love has no purpose; that we're just a floating chunk of rock in an endless universe with no rhyme or reason. As I consider myself to have skeptical tendencies, truly thinking about Nihilistic concepts makes a morbid sense in my mind. What is really so special about human life? Now I sound simply depressing, but is there truly a reason for human life if there is not grand creator or plan? Sometimes I envy those who have faith in some sort of higher being; it's so much easier than being so cynical all of the time. I suppose that is the repurcussion for questioning everything. Maybe someday I'll find a religion to blindly follow and no longer be so skeptical. Probably not, though.

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

Nice questions. The good news: There appears to be lots of conceptual and moral space between nihilism and blind faith -- one needn't choose either extreme.