Sunday, March 30, 2008


I do not believe that eating meat immoral, not do I believe that being a vegetarian is immoral. The immorality lies in how the animals are treated before they are eaten. Humans have been eating meat for thousands of years, but the difference is that primitive peoples generally used up all of the animal while today large meat companies waste what is left over from the animal. Also, keeping animals in small cages and atrophying their muscles for tenderness is not only wrong, but disgusting. Human beings are omnivores, therefore we need both meat and natural-grown foods to survive. Those who choose to not eat meat find other ways to get the protein that meat provides, but in the long run the benefits of some meats can not be reproduced.
It is wrong for people to assume that we own everything and therefore can do whatever we want with nature. Animals are not here solely for our use, but they provide us with the food that we need to survive. In the wild other animals eat each other, and most people see nothing wrong with that. Why should eating meat as a human be any different?

1 comment:

David K. Braden-Johnson said...

In the wild, many nonhuman animals eat their young. Shall we follow their example here too?