Saturday, March 1, 2008

Religion vs. Science

Religion (in this blog I will be comparing Christianty's beliefs with scientific facts) and science have been at odds with each other for as long as the two have been around. Issues ranging from creationism vs. evolution to whether the Earth is round or flat have been debated for years without rest. The truth is, I doubt that the religion vs. science debate will ever end until one or the other is eradicated. The way things are going now, it seems that more and more people are letting go of religion, but this does not necessarily mean that religion will cease to be. Personally, I believe in science over religion; evolution makes more sense than creation, and I have no reason to believe that there is an all powerful god that is constantly watching over mankind. The fact is, there is just too much evidence that scientific research that proves religious beliefs wrong. I have no problem with Christianity's message that people should care for one another and that killing and stealing are wrong, but there are alot of things that I have issues with; for instance, the fundamental Christians who teach children about creation as opposed to evolution. I believe that it is wrong to teach a myth as truth to impressionable children. There is no proof of creationism, and there is an insane amount of evidence pointing to evolution. Christian stories are the same as ancient Greek stories about the gods; they are myths. One would not teach children that the gods on Mount Olympus are real, but they would teach that myths written in an ancient book (that was most likely changed to fit the whims of the vatican and kings) are true. In my mind, the mere thought of teaching such myths as truth is ridiculous. They make for interesting stories, but nothing more. Science proves things that religion cannot and provides physical evidence. It is impossible for a cynical person like me to believe in something that does not have physical evendence. In my last post I stated that I believe in ghosts, but that is only because I have physical proof of their existence. I do not expect others to believe in them, and indeed many do not, but since I have seen and heard what I believe to be a ghost (or absorbed energy) I believe in them. Science provides such physical evidence to provide proof of its many findings. There are fossils thats prove mankind evolved from apes, and Darwin's studies on the Galapagos Islands provided adaquate proof that evolution is real. There is no proof that the Adam and Eve story is true, and the same goes for the rest of the Christian myths. Who is to say that that so called "miracles" are the work of a god? Science almost always has an alternative explanation for what people believe to be miraculous events. People see what they want to believe; an example being those who claim to see the Loch Ness Monster. As much as I would like to believe that the monster exists, it is extremely improbable. To those who believe, anything from a log to a ripple on the water could be the elusive monster. The same goes for religious fanatics who believe that miricles happen. They see what they want, or even need to believe. Science and religion will most likely never see eye-to-eye on anything except the fact that they disagree.

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